
Archive for the ‘Telecom (NZ) Wholesale’ Category

FTTH Worlds best practice: NZ Wholesale Broadband

The intention of these posts is to encourage a more critical evaluation of existing business and industry practices. It would be somewhat presumptuous to expect that we have perfected everything already. Thus to ensure delivery of the best outcome possible, we need to learn how to effectively adopt, adapt, improve and innovate; not just replicate. I highlighted in my last two posts, which looked at BT Openreach and Singapore Nucleus Connect, why we need to be mindful of the diversionary tactics many industry professionals can resort to in order to supposedly minimise business risk–when in actual fact they are simply minimising their own exposure. There are lessons yet to be learnt within the still developing and embryonic ‘open wholesale’ broadband telecommunications market. Taking the time to learn these lessons and then innovating on top with our newly acquired knowledge, will ensure the best possible FTTH outcome is achieved in Australia. Read more…