
Archive for February, 2010

Response to NBN Co consultation paper: proposed wholesale fibre bitstream products #1

February 18, 2010 1 comment

This is merely a high-level summary of my formal response to NBN Co’s first industry consultation (warning video stream) as part of their industry briefing sessions. This first open engagement is centered around their “proposed wholesale fibre bitstream products”. This summary and my response follow the same format and section numbering as the original consultation paper. Unsurprisingly, more detail can be found in my actual submitted response. For each section, I’ll provide a summary of the material as documented by NBN Co, followed by a summary of my response to the corresponding section and any questions posed within. Read more…

NBN Co Industry Briefing Session Report #1

February 13, 2010 2 comments

I took the time to attend the NBN Co Industry Briefing Session(warning video stream) which was held in Sydney during January. The session was hosted by Mike Quigley, Christy Boyce, Jamie Chard and Matthew Lobb. This session was the first, of what is expected to be an ongoing series, of general industry engagements and was focused on briefing industry about the planned wholesale fibre bitstream products that NBN Co intend to offer. In addition, this session also provided an overview of the planned network architecture, the specific service and product definitions and posed a number of questions for industry to respond to. A summary of my response to the consultation paper will be the subject of a future post. This post is merely a summary of the Sydney briefing event. Read more…